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Author Topic: **** SUPPORT THE TMA HERE! ****  (Read 42387 times)

Offline RobD

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« on: February 24, 2017, 07:09:37 PM »
"Why support the TMA?"

Because nothing in this world we live in will endure without human support.

All of the components that make up traditional muzzleloaders, from the guns and all their parts, to all the accoutrements, to the ball and powder we love so dear, none will be as readily available as they are today unless there is an industry that's supported by the dollars of fans of traditional muzzleloaders.

Having more folks involved in trad MLs insures there will be an industry to support our sport.

The TMA is a non-profit organization who's mail goal is to promote and preserve all things related to traditional muzzloaders.  ALL Contributing Member dollars help us keep and maintain our TMA cyber campfire, as well as encourage young'uns to join in the sport of traditional muzzleloaders and help ensure our dedicated ranks won't dwindle as the years pass and the steadfast members age and vanish.

Supporting the TMA only supports your own piece of this great sport.


Supporting the TMA is easy through PayPal - you don't need to be a PayPal member and can pay with a credit card!

Please make SURE you have first registered for TMA forum access!
Click HERE to register as a TMA forum guest.

Now that you are registered as a TMA forum guest you can become a full TMA Member by logging in to the TMA forum (well, you're already here!), go to the forum menu and click on menu item "Profile", then "Actions" and "Paid Subscriptions".  Choose the TMA Membership payment option of 1 year or 2 years, and click on the "Order" button. 

You will be sent to PayPal to purchase your TMA Membership with either PayPal cash or your credit card.
You do not need to be a member of PayPal to use their service.


1. Click on menu item Profile (found near the top left of every forum page) ...
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2. Click on Actions, Paid Subscriptions ...
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3. Choose your TMA Member subscription type and click on Order ...
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4. Please carefully note that "Make this a reoccurring payment" is a option!  Uncheck that box if you wish to not have automatic TMA future payments!

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Thank you for joining and supporting your TMA!  :bow :*: :wave

Offline Uncle Russ

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  • Location: Columbia Basin, Washington State
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2019, 03:12:55 AM »
Edited: 9/25/2019

I regret to report that due to the problems we have experienced with Pay-Pal over the past year and one-half, insofar as providing the TMA with the new member's current mailing address, when they initially subscribe as members, the TMA will no longer be providing a Membership Packet.
Since Pay-Pal determined that a TMA Supporting Membership is, in fact, a "Subscription", (as the buyer is NOT ordering a specific physical item to be shipped somewhere,) "Internet Membership" is classified as an Internet Subscription, and they feel the privacy of the Pay-Pal Member must be protected at all cost.
As such, the practice of Pay-Pal providing that information was discontinued back about 16 or 18 months ago.

In the meantime, efforts on the part of the TMA to get this information from the New Supporting Member has failed miserably.
Considerable time and effort have been expended in an effort to get this information from the Member, but with very little success.

It should also be noted that when the TMA was first formed, back in early 2005, a cost analysis of each packet was based on a total cost, including the postage, which was less than $2.00
Since that time, the costs to provide that packet have increased exponentially, especially as ink, paper, envelopes, and postage increased, along with more items being added.
Current costs to produce that packet are currently just a few cents less than $5.00 per packet.
The TMA has, in essence, been unable to recover that cost in any way other than increasing Membership fees.

Two weeks ago the Board of Directors voted in favor of maintaining the TMA Dues at it's original $15.00 and discontinue the Membership Packet.

Thank you for your understanding.

Respectfully, Russ...

Thank you Rob for that great tutorial, many of us need things like that in today's life. :bl th up

There is one more thing I would like to ask of those joining up.

If you would like a Membership Packet, which contains a few "goodies" from the TMA, it is absolutely essential that you send an email to me, at ...  <--- click on this to send me an email!

 ... it must contain your real / given name, your screen name, and your current Mailing Address.

There is no longer a space, or the room, to add this information to your Pay-Pal Payment.
(According to Pay-Pal this is for YOUR protection since there is nothing physical being shipped.)

BTW; You can not say "This is Crazy", or add any more explicit adjectives to describe their thinking than I already have!
Just so you know..........

Thank you very much!
Respectfully, Russ....

It's the many things we don't do that totally sets us apart.
TMA Co-Founder / Charter Member# 4