TMA Events and Activites > TMA Postal Shoots

August 2020 Monthly Postal Match Results


Ohio Joe:

August 2020 Monthly Postal Match Results;

Match Code.................................Smoothbore / Offhand............................

25SBO.........25 Yards - Smoothbore - 5 Shots - TMA Target - XX-1B

50SBO.........50 Yards - Smoothbore - 5 Shots - TMA Target - XB-1B


Match Code.........................................Rifle / Offhand................................

25RFO........25 Yards - Rifle - 5 Shots - TMA Target - DB-50

Sharp Stick.................47-2x
Winter Hawk...............46-1x
No Powder..................41-0x
Ohio Joe....................40-0x

50RFO........50 Yards - Rifle - 5 Shots -  TMA Target - SB-75

Sharp Stick...................40-0x
No Powder....................33-0x
Ohio Joe......................32-1x
Winter Hawk.................25-0x


Match Code.......................................Handgun / Standing............................

15HGS.........15 Yds - Handgun - 5 Shots - TMA Target - SB-PR


25HGS.........25 Yds - Handgun - 5 Shots - TMA Target - BT-PR



Match Code.......................................Rest Matches (Bench or X-Sticks)..........

50RFR..........50 Yds - Rifle - 5 Shots at TMA SB-PR Target

Sharp Stick.................32-0x

100RFR.......100 Yds - Rifle - 5 Shots at TMA SB-75 Target

Sharp Stick.................10-0x

Winter Hawk:
Shot the 25 & 50 rifle targets, they are in the mail today.  25 wasn't bad, 50 is another matter!  :laffing



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