TMA Events and Activites > TMA Raffles and Drawings

2020 Raffle Winners!!

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Spotted Bull:
UFC Fight Night tonight, so I did the drawing during the first prelim fight. Here are the winners. Prize donaters please contact the winners to arrange for shipment.

Congrats to the winners!

1. Shooting package #1 from Smokepolepaul to... Hank in WV

2. Shooting package #2 from Smokepolepaul to... Rollingb

3. Shooting package #3 from Smokepolepaul to... Oldtexian

4. Shooting package #4 from Smokepolepaul to... Beaverman

5. Beaverman Virginia Bag to... Nobber

6. Spotted Bull bag to... Smokepolepaul

7. Rollingb powder horn to... WinterHawk

8. Winterhawk CVA kit to... Spotted Bull

9. Nessmuck TOTW gift card to... Bigsmoke

10. Bigsmoke wood carving set to... Sharpstick

11. Spotted Bull ball board to... Nessmuck

I want to personally express my sincere gratitude to all those donating prizes and all those who bought tickets!

Everyone start digging through your plunder and get stuff ready for Christmas time! You have plenty of time!


--- Quote from: Spotted Bull on July 18, 2020, 05:36:06 PM ---Congrats to the winners!

10. Bigsmoke wood carving set to... Sharpstick

--- End quote ---

 :applaud I won! I won!  :applaud
However, I have no need for carving tools.  :Doh! I already have more than I will ever need. So here's my solution.

Bigsmoke, add the wood carving set to the pass-around box and add me to the pass-around gang.
There ain't no problem that caint be fixed with a little generosity.  :)

Spotted Bull:
Sharpstick you have been added to the the list!

Done and done.
Great idea Sharpstick.   :applaud :applaud :applaud :applaud
Man, the first guy to get the box is sure going to have some nice plunder to pick and choose from.  I bet he will add some pretty nice stuff himself.
Let the fun begin.   :bl th up :bl th up

John (Bigsmoke)

Hank in WV:
I just want to thank  Smokepolepaul for the donation of prizes for this drawing. And thanks to Spotted Bull for setting this all up.


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