Shooting Traditional Firearms and Weapons > General Interest

Bore Preservative

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What are you guys using lately to preserve the bore between shooting?  I've been using bore butter, but I'm not sure I trust the stuff.  Thanks.

I've been using mink oil for the last few years and it works pretty good. It's the trappers blend from Track of the Wolf

Gordon H.Kemp:
I've been using bore butter for a few years and if the barrel is clean and'"DRY". I also put mine on while the barrel is still good and warm from pouring the hot rise water through and over it. For the most part here in west tx. its so dry theree is little chance of rust anyway. I've also used this process in Fla. and up-state N.Y. so I know it works in a damp climate. I understand there are many who claim to have had poor luck using BB as a preseritive But for me it has worked well. I still think that the preperation of clean and "DRY" makes the difference.

Used to use Bumblin Bear Grease.
Now I use Just Good Lube - works great.

For short term storage (2 months or less) I use olive oil
Longer I swab the bore with RIG


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