Traditional Firearms > Caplock Long Guns

At long last, it's percussion

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Ohio Joe:
I use the RWS No. 1075 Plus Caps, and I like them a lot! I use to use the CCI Caps, but when it came time to get more caps - my supplier was out of the CCI's - but he had the RWS caps. IMHO it worked out for me. I simply can not recall ever having an under powered dud with an RWS Cap.  :bl th up

Winter Hawk:
How is the source for caps out there?  I haven't seen any in a long time; I'm down to probably 100 or less, not that I shoot the caplock much; may need to rectify that.  I do have the kit to make my own, made 25 or so and since then it's been sitting.  Hmm, maybe another Winter project...


Kees,, With the amount of shooting I do, I probably have a lifetime supply of both caps and powder.  It has been close to forever since I went into a gun shop and bought caps.  Or anything, really.  Before we sold our business, I made sure I had a good supply of most anything I would need.  As far as powder goes, I have been pretty lucky at the last rendezvous' I went to and bought several pounds, probably all at $15 - $20 a pound.  The last time I went to a monthly local shooting match, they were selling GOEX for $25.  But I didn't need any then.

Winter Hawk:
Powder I have, flints I have, lead I have, pillow ticking I have.  Also several types of patch lube, besides saliva.  But caps, that is where I am lacking.  I want to take the Bobcat out and see how I do with it, and that is doable for a while, but then I will be out of caps....  :Doh!  :o


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