Traditional Firearms > Caplock Long Guns

My new "traded" Rifle

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So awhile back I picked up that tower pistol I posted about and today traded it for a .45 rifle of unknown age or maker.
 Took her home and gave it a good cleaning.
 Only mark I can find is the name Russ Hamm stamped on the inside of the lock plate.
 Also it came with an aluminum jag. Which I promptly broke.
  [ Invalid Attachment ]
 [ Invalid Attachment ]  interesting lugs.
 [ Invalid Attachment ]  haven't seen this type of tumbler.

Russ Hamm was the lock maker, probably not the rifle maker.  The tumbler has a screw to adjust the sear engagement, reducing trigger travel, etc.  You can set those too fine, so maybe adjust cautiously if at all!  I had a Springfield musket that had been modified in a similar manner, I once set it (unloaded) at full cock and watched it "go off" while it sat on a table!

I did a little googlin' and looked up Russ Hamm, seems he made flint and perc. Locks.
 I ordered a new nipple, .440 balls and a new brass jag.
 This gun is way lighter than my TC .54, hoping it shoots as well so I can use it on trail walks.

Ohio Joe:
I have to say, that barrel pin tennon is a new one on me. But, as long as it works. Never seen one installed that way before. I've always center barrel my tennons flush with the brl flat. But hey, whatever works!  :shake

Kevin you got yourself a good quality lock on that rifle! probably a good barrel also if someone took the time and $ to get a Russ Hamm lock


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