The Center of Camp > The Campfire

<Your State Here> Muzzleloading Association

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How many states have a state muzzleloading association?

What function does it serve within the state?

Aaand, go.

Garden State Black Powder Association | Promote and celebrate America’s colonial history from 1740 through 1840

Montana has a few local clubs that I know of but no State org I have heard of.
Hard to keep alive with all the high tech distractions.  Very few TMA members  

New York State has one as well:  New York State Muzzle Loaders Association - The Association  Unfortunately, I'm not a member and probably won't become one any time soon.*  However, while perusing the site, I found a schedule of a local club's 2016 ML shoots, which was something I didn't expect.

*Have never heard a word about them or read about them in any publication.

Surprisingly, California does have a state association.
I think the main function they have is the annual state muzzleloading championship shooting match held every year now in Sacramento.  It used to be held in Fresno.
No doubt, it is allowed here in LaLaLand because muzzleloaders do not typically have large capacity magazines.


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