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What chisels do you guys use

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I was just looking into a set of chisels for mortising barrels and locks and for use in carving stocks
I am just curious as to what you guys use and brand
Any advise is appreciated

Ohio Joe:

--- Quote from: "Lonewolfe20" ---I was just looking into a set of chisels for mortising barrels and locks and for use in carving stocks
I am just curious as to what you guys use and brand
Any advise is appreciated
--- End quote ---

Take a look at these from Track of the Wolf. I own some and they're good chisels. They also have other gun smith/building tools. It's a good starting point.  

   Chisels for Inletting, forged in the U.S.A. - Track of the Wolf

Also, I'd recommend a good Dremel kit, good hacksaw, good wood and metal working files, three sided files, There will also be certain tools you'll have to make yourself such as channel planes (not really necessary but they really work well and should cover, 13/16, 7/8, 15/16, 1, 1-1/8 inch which are designed (by you) to clean up a barrel channel... There's quite a bit more, but it also depends on how deep you plan on getting into the building. I honestly don't know if I could complete a list... Tap and dies, you'll need them. Ram rod drill(s), depth gauge, drill bits...

When I started building muzzle loaders I just jumped in with the tools I had, and tooled up as I went from there.

I've got a couple of spoke shaves, draw knives, wood planes (big and small), rasps, scrapers (both, commercial and homemade),... and a few old german-made chisels, knives, gouges, and a v-tool, that I bought at a garage-sale back in the early 70's.
I've always kind'a wanted a nice set of gouges and chisels like these,.... Set of 12 Full Size Carving Tools by Two ,... and these,....  Set of 6 Palm Tools in Wood Box by Two ,.... but I've managed to "get by" with what I have so far.  :rt th

I am at a loss for chisels and woodworking hand tools
I have a couple nice planes
And some older chisels that looked like someone used them to break out of Alcatraz
I think I'll hit some Pawn shops this weekend and see what's around
Thanks guys for posting I have a better idea what to be on the look out for

Jake,... you kind'a re-kindled my urge for some new wood carving tools, so after doing some searching, I ordered a set of these,....... Ramelson 6 Piece Basic Palm Carving Set 117: Home Improvement
and a set of these,....... UJ Ramelson 116 Basic Woodcarving Tool Set: Arts, Crafts & Sewing

......., they ain't German made "Two Cherries" :rt th  


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