The Center of Camp > The Campfire

What chisels do you guys use

<< < (2/2)

Good job
That's alot of tool.for less than 100.00
I watched some of Homer Dangler on YouTube use those flat flared ones on relief carving that looked awesome
You will have to do a tool review for us when you get them and a carving how to !!
If I see anything priced high I know what I can get online now

Nothing like a little peer pressure from friends !!!

Hank in WV:
Your Alcatraz chisels might look bad but may be as good as any you can buy today. Give sharpening them a try, you may be surprised. Be sure to keep them cool in the process.

After what you said Hank
I watched a bunch of tutorials on YouTube about sharpening with a belt sander versus a grinder to control heat if I get a chance this weekend I might take a "stab" at it
They are older Stanley's but they were chipped badly


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