Traditional Firearms > Flintlock Long Guns

Poor ignition with T-C PA Hunter

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Kees, what was the humidity yesterday when you were shooting?

Winter Hawk:

--- Quote from: BEAVERMAN on July 29, 2023, 12:24:22 PM ---Kees, what was the humidity yesterday when you were shooting?

--- End quote ---
I don't know, but probably high as it has been for quite some time here.  Next time out I'll use the Hodgepodge rifle which is a known performer.  If it has problems also I can blame outside interference.   :laffing


Winter Hawk:
The new mainspring is in, and WOW, what a difference!  She sparks like a house afire.  Now to slip out some morning to see how she shoots.  Depending on that I may order a new cock from ML Emporium since this one is the old style and the new style is supposed to have better geometry.  We'll see; if it does well, why "fix" it?   :laffing


Winter Hawk:
I went out to the range on the 25th to shoot my October targets, with the T-C.  She worked well, except for not reminding me that the powder goes in before the patched ball.   :Doh! I guess I can't blame the rifle for that!  I also had a little problem in that I had changed out the front sight for a Lyman globe sight I had on hand.  I took a couple of sighting shots before trying for record.  The first shot was way low, holding right on the piece of black tape on a paper plate.  I then tried holding at the top of the plate which was high.  The next shot i held the base of the post on the tape and was close enough to try the TMA target.  That gave me a string of holes, all good for windage but elevation ran from the top of the 10 ring to the bottom of the 8.  I have an order in to Track of the Wolf for a couple of front sights, when they are installed I'll give it a try again.  I am very please with how reliable ignition was, though. :laughing


No Powder:
I'm glad you were able to fix your ignition woes. If you dry ball a few more times, you can change your screen name to No Powder Jr. I hope you were able to get that ball out without too much trouble.


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