Traditional Firearms > Flintlock Long Guns

Poor ignition with T-C PA Hunter

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Winter Hawk:
Thanks Dave!  They have to be modified for the T-C, it looks like the width has to be stoned down.  One is on order!

Joe, the identical rifle I sold to John has the L&R lock on it.  It was reliable for me except that it ate flints.  I have since learned that grinding down the sides of the main spring will weaken it enough to ease up the strike on the frizzen so the flints last longer.

John, I don't know what to say.  It was reliable shot after shot for me, except for needing to knap or replace the flint fairly often.  It must be one of those California things...  :Doh!  You might call L&R and see what they say.  Glad that the trailwalk went satisfactorily!  :toast

And Mr. Beaverman, if this new frizzen doesn't work out I will be building a hot fire outside and see what I can do to add some carbon to it.

Thank you all for the advice!


Aw c'mon Kees, your not gonna jump on the crucible idea? where's your sense of adventure?

Winter Hawk:
I'll have a spare frizzen to try putting it in a forge, in a can with lots of other goodies, tightly closed of course.  I'll see first what the new one does.


Ohio Joe:
Kees, having never done the prescribed method of wrapping the frizzen in leather and sealing it in a tin can - then firing it in the coals, I would be interested in your results if you do decide to go this route (even if nothing more then having a spare frizzen)...  :shake

Winter Hawk:
:wave New one's supposed to be here by next Friday.  Excitement knows no bounds!  :applaud



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