Craftsmanship > Hawks and Knives

hammer marks on blades

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good   thread

Just the differences between artisans, blacksmiths and back country farmers/frontiersmen doing what it takes to survive.

Is a toeing knife a hoof knife? Never heard of it called a toeing knife.yeah! Phew!

Winter Hawk:

--- Quote from: shootrj2003 on December 29, 2021, 12:34:07 PM ---Is a toeing knife a hoof knife? Never heard of it called a toeing knife.yeah! Phew!

--- End quote ---

From the description, no.

--- Quote from: davet on November 01, 2017, 08:55:33 PM ---visualise a file or rasp worked down to less than a 1/4 of an inch thick at the spine and razor sharp, a foot to 14 inches long driven, around the sole of the horses foot with the nailing on hammer. You get the drift of how they were used.  And once used to them, the apprentice smith could remove two inches of foot and leave a flat surface that could be sprung by the thumbs
--- End quote ---

A hoof knife is not that large or thick, and has a hook in the end to dig into the sole of the hoof.  At least that is how one was back in the mid 1970s, which was the last time I was under a horse.



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