The Traditional Muzzleloading Association > TMA Information



I imagine some of you have noticed some different colors in the names on the forum. Just so you know, the paid members should appear in blue, the non-paid members in black, the BoD in green, and you may even see a couple of our website gurus out there in the public eye - they are reddish.....

The reason I make mention of this is that I just went through our membership list and updated our "paid member" group on the forum. I have removed everyone from the paid group that has a membership that expired over 6 months ago. I did this based on our membership list. I would like to ask that if your name appears in black, and you believe you have an up-to-date membership, please contact either myself, RussB (our Membership Director) or Dragoon (our Sec./Treas.)

Thanks for your help with this. Once we get everything updated, it should be easier to keep it that way.

Also, this might be a good time to take a look at your expiration date.  

Thanks all!


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