Craftsmanship > Accoutrements

Was it at all common...

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To have a Bible verse on a horn???

I have seen many clever sayings to personalize a horn, just wondering if a verse was done much (traditionally), if ever.


Can't give you factual information cause I live on the Dark Continent.  But I sure think its a great idea.

There must have been some good folks in the old days who had the same idea.

There are a few examples of verse on originals in some of the horn books that I have

No Deer:
Though I can't document it, I have read that some of the longhunter types carried bibles, so it would stand to reason that some would have bible verses on their horns IMO.

Bible verses on horns were done. I have personally seen 2 from the early 1800's that had bible verses. I don't know how early it goes back, but it stands to reason it could be earlier. I've also read where they would shave the horn very thin, almost translucent so you could hold it up to the light and see how much powder was left.


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