The Center of Camp > Camping Gear and Campfire Cooking

USING "Dryer Lint" as a "Starter" { Flint & Steel }

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--- Quote from: SharpStick on August 12, 2020, 03:00:58 PM ---
--- Quote from: BEAVERMAN on August 12, 2020, 01:00:01 PM ---Here ya go! Sharpstick!
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Is that dryer lint I see in there?   :bl th up

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Looks more like tow!

Doc Nock:

--- Quote from: Oldetexian on August 12, 2020, 04:16:54 PM --- :hairy
Great thread...Not period correct, bu tin my edc pouch I already have dryer lint saturated with vasolene. I also use it to start my fires in my fireplace. works great with bot F&S and ferro rods.

Never heard of the Frito angle...but since I am currently half way through a bag...guess what I am going to be playing with this evening... :bigsmile:

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you guys are amazing!! :)

When I hit 2-3 camp out and trad shoots per month around the NE, I made my own fire starters... I would put cotton dryer lint in those cardboard egg cartons, then drizzle in candle wax (Could use Gato Feo lube) and then when solidified, I'd cut each square and danged if that wouldn't start even wet wood campfire


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