Craftsmanship > Gun Building and Repair

Restock it ??

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 So fiddlin with this new to me .45  and it's painfully obvious the builder had very little wood working experience.
 Poor fit all around from the lock to the bbl channel to the tang breech interface. Not sure what type of wood this is either.
My question, would you restock this Russ Hamm lock and unknown bbl. Or just replace all the wood putty and run with that.
 Also if restock is the way to go, what stock and where would be the best place to get one.  The bbl is 29". Short huh?

Ohio Joe:
My personal feelings are that it should be "restocked" - and you may just have to make the stock yourself / or find someone to do it.  :shake

thanks for the reply joe.
 I've been looking at some pecatonic river stocks, resonably priced.

 What I was thinking of going with is a basic full stock, no lock inlet but have them inlet the 13/16 " bbl and cut the RR channel/hole .
 them I can cut it to my LOP, shape the butt and cut the forend to length and cap it , inlet the lock , trigger and tang.

 Seems to me that would be the best way to go VS starting with a complete blank. never done that!

 Definetlly need to do something, I'm afraid it will fall apart if i shoot it in its current condition  :laffing
 besides , ive been wanting to build another gun so this may be the cheapest way to go.


No Powder:
I'm not a gun builder Kevin, but I liked what you did with that TC Hawken .And I'm sure whatever you do, it will turn out fine. Then when you're done, I'll hire you to give my TC Hawken a remodel job.

Ohio Joe:

--- Quote ---What I was thinking of going with is a basic full stock, no lock inlet but have them inlet the 13/16 " bbl and cut the RR channel/hole .
 them I can cut it to my LOP, shape the butt and cut the forend to length and cap it , inlet the lock , trigger and tang.
--- End quote ---

Sound thinking, Kevin.  :bl th up


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