Traditional Firearms > Cap and Ball Revolvers

1858 Army Revolver (Repair)


Ohio Joe:
This morning I got the old "Navy Arms 1858 Remington Army Revolver" out, just to handle it a bit and wipe 'er down... Well, by golly I went to put it on half-cock to spin the ol' cylinder, and the "Trigger & Stop Spring" broke...

Not a big deal as I've changed these out before,,, so I got on the ol' computer here and ordered 3 of 'em (have a couple spares on hand that way) from Dixie Gun Works... Got an email a'while ago and they've shipped already. I call that service!!!  :hairy

I bet it's been at least 30+ years since i had to replace one of these in any of my Revolvers - 'course I don't shoot 'em as much as I use to.

Had I known they would ship that fast, I would have never taken the Trigger & Stop Spring out'a the brass frame '58 Richland Arms Remington and put it in the Navy Arms this morning... Oh well... Parts are parts...  :shake


Eddie Southgate:
Never busted a bolt and trigger spring on my Remington but I have replaced the hand spring several times in the last 50 years . It's a little more work but I usually make them from clock spring .

Ohio Joe:
In the past, I don't think the "Trigger & Stop Spring" that were original to these replicas were very well made... Can't speak for the one's made today as I bet this is the first one I've had to change in 25 years, so they must of gotten better?  :shake


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