Traditional Firearms > Cap and Ball Revolvers

C&B Revolver Loading Stand


Several years ago, somebody brought out a revolver loading stand, was it maybe Traditions?  Or someone else?  Rightnour Manufacturing Co?  I just don't recall who did it.
Anyway, it was available in two calibers, .36 and .44.  I think it came with two different arbors, one kind of thick, the other one rather slim.
To use one, the cylinder was removed from the pistol and placed on the proper arbor.  It had a loading lever somewhat longer than the one under the pistol.  So, you dropped all the powder charges, then wads, then placed the ball on each chamber, and started rotating the cylinder and pressing the balls down into place. 
I always thought that was a pretty good idea, but never tried it.
Has anyone done any experimenting with one and what did you think about it?  Is it even available any more?

I bought one from Traditions and it was "alright" for awhile but was light duty and didn't last.

I've got another type now that is heavy duty and it has served me well for the last 4-5 years, but I can't remember exactly where I got it,.... I think it was from one of the online black powder suppliers.

I'll do some checking and see if I can find where I got it.  :hairy
It does work pretty darn nice. :hairy :hairy

I found it  :hairy,.... here is where I got the one I have now,.....

Be sure to check out the video.  :bl th up

prairie dog:
I have that same cylinder loader.  It is the best I have seen.


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