Craftsmanship > Accoutrements

My new flint wallet

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Darren Haverstick:

I finally got around to making myself a new flint wallet. I hate the stalls normally used to hold flints. In my experience, they're either too small and the flints won't stay in them or they're too big and you can't get the flints out of them. I solved the problem by putting in a small zippered pocket to hold them.

The body, pocket, and trim are made from deer hide. The purple and beige "bling" is ostrich leg skin. I sewed everything up by hand using artificial sinew. Yeah, I know it's not "period correct" but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. It's pleasing to my eye and functional, so that's all that matters.




That shows that you not only have good taste, you're also an excellent craftsman - CONGRATULATIONS on a job well done !


No Powder:
Well that wallet would make me take it out of my shooting bag, to put in a new flint . Even if I did'nt need a new one . Just to admire it. Beautiful job Darren.

Darren, You truly are an Artist   :bl th up :bl th up :bl th up


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