TMA Events and Activites > TMA Special Event Shoots

Idea - 2 Day TMA Internet Shooting Match - Anyone Interested?

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Ohio Joe:
I've been bouncing this idea around in my head for awhile, and was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a "two day" TMA Internet Shooting Match, where those that enter, will go to their local Range (or where ever you shoot) on the same day(s) (your choice of either day) and we have us an Internet Shooting Match?

Here's what I have in mind;

We pick a weekend, (time zones won't matter). Those who take part will shoot a couple targets over those two days (whichever day of that weekend is convenient for you), and we report our scores here on our site (pictures welcome, but not necessary).

There are no prizes, we're just shooting to show some solidarity for our TMA, not only here but on facebook as well, and any other forum of media you may be connected with. Let's talk about this and get some input,,, and make sure everyone interested in doing this is on the same page.

Comments welcome!  :shake

I'm in as long as I'm not out travelling the selected weekend.

Uncle Russ:
Guys I would love to be with you on this, but the local weather has been anything but cooperative for shooting, or anything else, so far!
When our clocks "Sprang Forward" a little while back, I think the Pacific Northwest got a wee bit mixed up on just how far forward we were springing...
Looking at the Calendar, and the Weather channel at the same time, trying to get my May targets shot.


Uncle Russ...

Ohio Joe:
I was kind of thinking somewhere in (August/September) to do something like this. Weather should be rather decent is my best guess. The time is open to suggestions. I would like if we could have enough time between now and whatever dates we would pick - to get the word out and talk this event up. I better get to work so's I can pay the bills. Talk with you all tonight.  :bl th up

Ohio Joe:
Friends, let's set this idea on the back burner for now. Rendezvous season is on us, as well our local club match schedule's, family vacations, our kids and grand kids summer sports schedule,,, lot'a stuff going on... We'll revisit this over the winter months and see what we can come up with.  :shake


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