TMA Events and Activites > TMA Special Event Shoots

Just a word or two from the office of the National Match Director

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Ohio Joe:
Hello friends,

Thought it might be nice to touch base with all of you and let you know what I've been up to in this NMD seat.

As we all know our paper silhouette season is nearing an end in October, for 2017. It's been a fun ride for sure! Our Mike Fink shoot was won by Russ & Rob (guys, I got your Certificate's printed off and will try to get them in the mail this Wednesday). Also, we've had us a smoothbore shoot that was lots of fun. :bl th up

So,,, what do we have to look forward to next year for shooting TMA shooting matches?

Paper Silhouettes - (We are going to go with a 40 shot overall match which can be shot over a three month period)

Mike Fink "partner up" Match (which I might add is our longest running shootin' match in the history of our TMA)

Smoothbore Match - (The plan is to have some monthly's or bi monthly matches with two sight classes - rear sight / no rear sight

25, 50, and 100 yard Rifle Matches - (We're going to offer these as well... I believe offering our members a chance to shoot beyond 25 yards is a direction we need to take for the sake of our postal shoot program to expand. Also, I will be introducing some new TMA Targets for these new matches.

So this gives everyone an idea the direction we'll be taking in 2018, and I think you're going to like what you see.  :hairy


Sounds like fun Joe!  :applaud :bl th up :toast

 :bl th up :bl th up :hairy :bl th up :bl th up  :applaud :shake :*:

Uncle Russ:
That all sounds just great!

I know I was not the only one trying hard to get any "Range Time" at all this year.
Nothing seemed to work in my favor insofar as time to get out and shoot, it also seems that I've been playing catch-up since our matches started.
Still yet, the little bit of shooting I did get to do was fun.

This upcoming year has got to be better....of course, I said the same thing last year. :P

Hope to shoot my Flintlocks more!
I've burnt up so much of my own "free-time" getting my old Renegade 4 barrel platform shooting properly, that I just haven't taken any time to shoot my Longrifle......that has got to change!

Thanks Joe, for all your effort!

Uncle Russ...


Hank in WV:
I feel bad about not joining in also but our club lost its lease after 50 years when a gas pipeline came through the property and the local shooting range is much too busy to enjoy shooting muzzleloaders. Oh well, maybe next year.


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