Traditional Firearms > Flintlock Long Guns

Blackening stuff.

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I went ahead an ordered some JAX blackener.
 Thinking bbl, lock and trigger= black.
 Everything else may stay brass ?
Why do we agonize over such things argh.


--- Quote from: Winter Hawk on July 29, 2023, 11:44:04 AM ---BOY, you guys!  Now I have to sell off all my ML guns to afford to buy a Kibler kit.  I'm too old to expect an inheritance from some unknown relative....


--- End quote ---

Kees, never give up hope!   :laffing  About a year ago I accompanied a relative to court on an estate matter.  He'd inherited some land from one of what he described of as "one of the old guys" in the family.  He's 91 years old! 


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