The Center of Camp > Camping Gear and Campfire Cooking


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Genever was corrupted to Geneva by the English.  Which explains how Hollands and Geneva could be the same thing.

Gin Lane: they are drinking from standard wine glasses.

I've stuck to rum and beer.  Very popular in the colonies.

Then of course there was the advent of the gin and tonic, borne of the regiments' need for quinine to ward off malaria in the colonies, specifically India.  And R.M., this is not to be forgotten in modern day quaffing...!  (Quaff, oh quaff nepenthe...) That's all I know, maybe someone else can fill in the gaps a little bit...


--- Quote ---Gin is wike muvver's milk ta me guv'nah...)
--- End quote ---
- Alfred P. Doolittle, Pygmalian

P.S.   :lol:

Sir Michael:
My research on the the 1st quarter of the 19th c. indicates that Brandy, Rum, and wine were the beverages of choice or what was available.  I've never read anything that mentions Gin.  

My impression regarding Gin is that it was popular and used mostly used in India and mixed with quinine to treat malaria.  It masked the taste of the quinine.


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