Craftsmanship > Antiques and Treasures

Cracked Powder Horn

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Yep, beezwax and rawhide👍🏻

  Rawhide is one of nature’s miracles,I love it’s strength and ability’s,I has been used for building,repairing making gun and knife sheaths,it is like the original Fiberglas ,it’s been used as lightweight but amazingly tough and strong armor,it can be water proofed with lacquer,and I have made two powder horns using rawhide instead of a wood plug,my very first horn, I use for hunting since the 70’s,I made with a rawhide cap,waterproofed with lacquer,it has never let my powder get wet in all these years and one I made for my brother in Utah,(I still have to send it to him)it works so well,I often wonder why I have never seen any originals made that way,it’s easier than fitting a wood plug,and in someways more secure, [ Invalid Attachment ]


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