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TMA Postal Shoots / Re: September Postal Targets and August Scores
« Last post by No Powder on Today at 03:12:09 PM »
Irregardless, that's good shooting. And I'd say your pistol likes that load too. If you ever use a rifle, you'll probably put 5 shots in 1 hole. You're right about it being challenging. Mark keeps coming up with dandy targets.
TMA Postal Shoots / Re: September Postal Targets and August Scores
« Last post by Paulk on Today at 02:15:23 PM »
I believe that's some impressive pistol shooting. Good shooting Paul.

Thanks, but my elbows were rested with 2 handed grip. I was going to go for the mid body shot and hope to hit it but changed my mind and went for the head shots instead. Challenging target to shoot at.
The Campfire / Re: What's Everyone Doing?
« Last post by BEAVERMAN on Today at 12:25:22 PM »
 :hairy Looking good you 2, Miss Linda hasn't aged a day since we last talked, you on the other hand.... Cal must be agreeing with you both.
TMA Postal Shoots / Re: September Postal Targets and August Scores
« Last post by No Powder on Today at 10:52:56 AM »
I believe that's some impressive pistol shooting. Good shooting Paul.
TMA Postal Shoots / Re: September Postal Targets and August Scores
« Last post by Paulk on Today at 10:30:19 AM »
Shot my snake today. Used my .33 cal percussion pistol. 25 yds, elbows rested on bench, gun supported with a 2 hand hold. Not offhand so not sure if that position counts? Looks like a score of 10 with a couple close ones. [ Invalid Attachment ]
The Campfire / Re: What's Everyone Doing?
« Last post by No Powder on Today at 01:48:01 AM »
You certainly won't frighten anybody off with those photos.
The Campfire / Re: What's Everyone Doing?
« Last post by Bigsmoke on Today at 12:48:41 AM »
Today was a pretty special day.
Ms. Smoke and I took a quick drive up to Prather, CA.  It is a little wide spot in the road on the way to Shaver and Huntington Lakes.  The purpose was to meet up with my old friend and business associate at his cabin.
We first met in about 1970 when he and his first wife moved into the house next door to me.  Little did I know how much would occur with this fellow.
Shortly after moving in, he went to a sporting goods store and bought a Remington 1858.  That prompted me to go to the same place and buy an 1851 Colt.  A few years later I bought a Renegade and he followed suit.  Strangely enough, we could not find any .530 round ball in town so we started casting our own.  That sparked an idea that if we could not find any in town, no one else could either.  So, we started our own little casting business.  We called it Smoke and Thunder Gun Supply.  Eventually we started going to rendezvous and gun shows selling our wares.
Anyway, that lasted about 3 or 4 years, until a move dissolved the business. He continued on with S & T, and we eventually bought October Country and grew that.
Over the years, we have kept in touch.  Here's on the porch today as we were leaving.

NOTE:  I am the one with the TMA T-Shirt on.

And here is one of us and Ms Smoke

The Campfire / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY No Powder!!!
« Last post by No Powder on September 18, 2024, 06:47:18 PM »
Thanks again fellows. And Bigsmoke  my friend, after much thought and deliberation, I'm afraid the TMA doesn't need anyone else frightened off. And that's precisely what a photo of me wearing that hat would do. You'll have to trust me on this one buddy.
The Campfire / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY No Powder!!!
« Last post by Butler Ford 40 on September 18, 2024, 06:26:41 PM »
Day late and dollar short but hope you had a good day! Happy Belated Birthday! :toast
The Campfire / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY No Powder!!!
« Last post by RobD on September 18, 2024, 05:55:43 AM »
Bappy Hirthday No Powder!!   :wave  :*:
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