Craftsmanship > Hawks and Knives

Bone Handle Question

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What can I use to dye white bone a dark brown?
Do I dye before or after attaching the scales to the blade?
I have them shaped to about  1/16" final size

jerry theres a product called old bones that does a good job on that. i used tea, cheap instant coffee, and walnuts in the past on the few i have made with bone handles.

Jerry, instant tea with lemon works REAL good, boil the water and make a strong mix, then turn off, drop the bone in and stir, check often, Ive used this method for bone hair pipes, the lemon added to the tea will help penetrate, and will turn the bone dark fairly quick, like i said, check it often!

Reckon I should soak them in the walnut hull dye I have?

Ifn ya got it, use it bud, let us know how it works!One thing I will suggest though, get it hot, it will penetrate the outer layer of bone faster and more even, like dying the tip of a horn with rit berries or natural dyes.


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