Shooting Traditional Firearms and Weapons > Long Range Muzzleloading

Are you up to a Revolutionary sized personal challenge?

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The Miner '49er:
I really like Rev War history which dovetails with shooting BP guns. Last year, a long-distance rifle match was part of our postal shoot. It was fun, a challenge (an 8 1/2" x 11" target at 100 yards), but on a good day, a doable one. Now imagine shooting at a 7"x10" target at 250 yards, one cold bore shot, standing. That was Capt. Daniel Morgan's make it or not test to qualify to be one of his famed Sharpshooters who used those newfangled long guns with rifling! Scaled down for 100 yards that shingle measures 2 7/8"x4" see it below. I'm personally challenging myself by making my fouling shot, prior to shooting Nessmuk's monthly postal match, by shooting at one of these scaled targets at 100 yards. If I ever do it, you will probably never know about it due to the massive coronary I'll probably suffer. Seriously, try it if you dare and be sure to post your target and brag to high heaven. If you do  [ Invalid Attachment ] it, drinks are on me --Sam Adams Boston lager-- of course! ONE SHOT, COLD BORE, STANDING, 100 YARDS, 2 7/8"x4" TARGET. Good luck!!!

Winter Hawk:
May I wait until the weather warms up?  :luff:


The Miner '49er:
Of course you can, WH! And I bet while you're waiting that target will begin calling to you like it's doing to me. I keep hearing "do you feel lucky, soldier, well do you?" I went to the library today and made 8 copies, one for the next time I hit the range and the rest for this year's postals. I plan to use my standard 25 yard  load of 50 grains of 3F with a .490 ball and I'm thinking that will require about 9" of holdover at 100. Thanks for deciding to give it a whirl. I hope more guys do the same.

Well, the cold bore caveat scares me but challenge accepted!! My first shot at every practice session, club match and Postal match will be at that little postage stamp target.

The Miner '49er:
Way to go, Nessmuk, that makes 3 of us! Any more guys want to try for a spot in Morgan's latter day company of old timer irregulars like me? Remember, along with the fame comes some Sam Adams lager. Can't wait for April fools day to start your postals.


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