TMA Events and Activites > TMA Postal Shoots

August 2019 Postal Match Results

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Hank in WV:
Sounds all went well. Be careful with the recovery. :bl th up

Ohio Joe:
Yes ~Kees~ you take care and get healed up.  :shake

Had a beautiful day yesterday,  targets in the mail today.

Uncle Russ:

--- Quote from: Winter Hawk on August 29, 2019, 07:53:43 PM ---Not going to make it this month.  Just had hernia surgery yesterday and I'm not allowed to drive for a week, nor lift anything over 10 pounds for 4 weeks!  Sure puts a crimp in things - I have a new shed started in the back yard and that ain't gonna get done for a while.  Howsomever, the Hodgepodge rifle only weighs 7 lbs. 8 oz. so you all had better watch out next month!  :laffing :laffing :laffing


--- End quote ---

Kees, take care of yourself first then shoot, would be my advise.    :pray:

Winter Hawk:
To all who have offered advice and well-wishes for my recovery:


Thanks, guys!



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