Traditional Firearms > Traditional Archery

Got my new longbow yesterday!

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Darren Haverstick:
After only a little over two months of waiting, my new longbow from Wild Horse Creek Bows came in the mail yesterday. Needless to say, I am quite pleased with the result. There's nothing quite like that new bow smell!

The riser of the bow is made from pau ferro, the limb core is bamboo and the limb veneer is Karelian Birch Burl. The bowyer, Mike Dunnaway, is also an accomplished arrowsmith and he always sends an arrow footed with the same wood used in the riser.

I love all the figuring in the veneer!

The bow is 62" long and pulls 54# @ 28". The main reason I wanted this model (it's a Quest) is because it's a D style longbow and I only have one of those. I shot it a couple dozen times yesterday and I believe we're going to get along just fine. I sure hope to break it in on a nice longbeard in a couple of weeks!




Great looking bow!

Very nice looking bow.  Love the woods in it.  And the shelf is even on the correct side...


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