TMA Events and Activites > TMA Postal Shoots

2019 TMA Monthly Postal Match Entry Fees & Schedule

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Hellooo the camp, I am a new member and looking forward to starting off with this Postal Match. I will be shooting my flintlock rifle (50cal) and I just finished a complete tune up on the Siler lock and feel good about it but we will see! It will most likely shoot real good if I can hold it still! This ain't my first rodeo but when you get past a certain point in age then all of your talent and know how gets tested all over again. I feel like my first day of school. Wish me luck and hello again. :pray:

Uncle Russ:

--- Quote from: poorboy on March 19, 2019, 05:17:15 PM ---Hellooo the camp, I am a new member and looking forward to starting off with this Postal Match. I will be shooting my flintlock rifle (50cal) and I just finished a complete tune up on the Siler lock and feel good about it but we will see! It will most likely shoot real good if I can hold it still! This ain't my first rodeo but when you get past a certain point in age then all of your talent and know how gets tested all over again. I feel like my first day of school. Wish me luck and hello again. :pray:

--- End quote ---

Welcome poorboy! plumb tickled to have ya with us.
Joe, our match director, will be with you right shortly.


Welcome to the TMA poorboy!!  :shake  :applaud  :hairy

Ohio Joe:
Welcome poorboy!!!  :shake

It's great to have you with us! I'm a big fan of the Siler locks, both flint and percussion.

All the info you need to get started in our TMA Monthly Postal Matches is listed above at the top of this page... And,,, as a contributing card carrying member of the TMA, you don't have to pay a monthly entry fee.

The only entry fee a contributing member pays (and only contributing members are allowed to compete in this Match) is our TMA Annual Championship Paper Silhouette Match, and this info can be found in another thread/post above... Here's a Link;

Enjoy the Matches, and if you have any questions, just ask or PM me...  :bl th up

OH!!! Almost forgot, we do have an annual "partner" Mike Fink shoot every July (which can be found in another thread/post),,, so if you want to enter that - go to the 2019 Mike Fink Shoot topic and make a post that you're looking for a partner. We have a'lot of fun with this one, and it's open to members and non-members at no charge. Here's a Link

 :bl th up :shake

Welcome, poorboy!

This is a great place to spend time. Full of knowledge, wisdom and friendship and down right humorous at times.
And its good to see another Zonie here - someone else who can go out shootin' in January.  ;D

The postal matches are fun and a great way to motivate yourself to get out to the range and make smoke.

And when you get over to the 2019 Mike Fink Shoot topic, notice that I'm still lookin' for a partner - hint, hint  ;)

Once again,  :hairy welcome to the TMA.


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