Traditional Muzzleloading Association

Shooting Traditional Firearms and Weapons => General Interest => Topic started by: Gordon H.Kemp on February 13, 2010, 10:41:26 PM

Title: Good day/ Bad day!
Post by: Gordon H.Kemp on February 13, 2010, 10:41:26 PM
I just got my SxS 12ga.  back that I had loaned out a couple of years back. I had traded my single barrel CVA Trapper for it but never had a chance to shoot it before loaning it. It came as a total surprise  , figured I might not see it again. Any way , to make a long story shorter The first thing I did was check it for loads or debris and loaded her up and fired off two loads from both barrels I only used light loads to function test  it , it's cylinder bore and it patterend quite well with both 7-1/2 and 6 shot. I noticed that the left lock felt  soft when I stripped it down to give it a good cleaning and refinish the stock the left lock main spring came out in3 pcs.
            This is an older gun made in Italy , I spent about 3 hours on the inter net trying to locate a mainspring with no luck. Tried several  different vendors with out success. TOW , DGW , Navy Arms and several other venders . I want to use it next weekend to try for a hog . I couldn'ttand to sit at the computer any longer , so decided to make one  . I had some high carbon steel rod and every thing went along pretty well all I had lef to do was ct it off the ro and temper it. Well guess what I had left a scribe mark on the rod from another prject and instead of cutting it on the mark I scribed today Yeah! you gussed it I cut it on the old mark about 1/4" short.
             I'll make another tomorrow , but would like to locate a new factory pair to have on hand. Iif anyone knows where I might6 find a pair I sure wold be grate full!
Post by: Quartermaster James on February 14, 2010, 04:24:05 PM
Did you try Deer Creek?
Post by: Gordon H.Kemp on February 14, 2010, 05:02:54 PM
QMJames I didn't find anything on the site but I'll call them in te AM thNKS.
Post by: Captchee on February 14, 2010, 09:47:52 PM
im very suprise Gordon to dixe didnt have something for you .
 could you post a photo of the lock . both outside and inside ?
Post by: Gordon H.Kemp on February 14, 2010, 11:29:36 PM
Captchee , I'll get the photos posted this week. I've got to have my daughter to show me how to put the software in the computer so I can use my old camera . It won't work on trhe new windos without it.