Traditional Muzzleloading Association

The Traditional Muzzleloading Association => TMA Information => Topic started by: The Miner '49er on June 13, 2024, 04:39:38 PM

Title: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 13, 2024, 04:39:38 PM
About 3 years ago I posed the question below. After nearly 2,000 views, no one has replied. A buddy of mine is debating whether or not to renew his TMA membership. Aside from being able to get in the monthly cash drawing, which just a handful do, I can't think of any other reasons. Anybody? [ Invalid Attachment ]
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: BEAVERMAN on June 13, 2024, 05:22:05 PM
Well those questions have been pushed around the e board section for a bunch of years, when the TMA Facebook page was first opened up I was the VP and I was very staunch on NOT doing this, membership and participation here started to drop immediately, the argument of having it was to spread the word about the TMA on a new platform and folks would come to the forum, the e board members at that time slit they're own throats by doing this. gave away the farm for free! most of us that are active now are old timers who are too dumb to quit (me included), I would rather see this wilt away instead of suicide, how to promote more participation is beyond my pea brain, Facebook killed a lot of forums including the one I started called the Horners Bench .
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 13, 2024, 06:31:31 PM
Can you please explain by what you mean when you said "not doing this." What is/are the this you didn't want to do? Thanks.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Bigsmoke on June 13, 2024, 07:07:27 PM
Miner 49er.
What Jim is talking about is starting a TMA page on Facebook.  And he is right as rain, put it out there for free and the "budget minded" will jump on instead of paying the price of a McDonalds Big Mac and fries and a Coke.
Personally, I am not much of a fan of Facebook and I stay away from there mostly.  If this were to go away, I might take a look at the Facebook page once a month, maybe.  Wait!!  We have a Facebook page?  Darn, I had no idea.  and I don't care.
So, why should a person join this?  Pretty simple, really.  First is the camaraderie of some knowledgeable people who can answer most any question a person might have about muzzleloading guns.  Another reason is a free to members trade blanket where you can sell items of a muzzleloading nature.  The Postal Shoot is another fun activity one can participate in for free and if you win, you get  bragging rights.
Personally, I enjoy taking a look at this every morning when I check my email to see what was published overnight and in the AM.
Do I agree with everything that has been written?  Nope, sure don't, but I feel comfortable knowing I can express my opinion about something without starting a war with some pompous know-it-all.
I guess if one were to boil it down to one word, the word would be comfortable.  It is a comfortable place to be.
John (Bigsmoke)
PS  The winning a bit of money isn't a bad thing, either.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 13, 2024, 07:33:28 PM
Those are some valid reasons. Thank you. I wonder why nobody took a few minutes to tell me, and everyone else, that three years ago. Perhaps if those reasons were listed and actively promoted here there might be more than about a dozen old-timers keeping the forum on life support.  ;banghead;
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Nessmuk on June 14, 2024, 10:16:55 AM
Or some of us think Facebook is a gathering place for the chronically weak-minded mind to go and graze on insipid ideas and practice oral defecation. Millions of Tetra bytes of meaningless, repetitive drivel.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 14, 2024, 12:11:11 PM
Guys, I'm not on Facebook or any of the social media nanny sites, and I could care less about them. I am on the TMA and also am a contributing member on The Muzzleloading Forum, that's it for me. I can't see that even if a decision to go on Facebook, made years ago, hurt the TMA why there can't be recovery. My concern is that the TMA doesn't seem to come up with any ideas to grow it. Often questions asked here either take a long time to get answered or they are completely ignored. I have to say that while that other forum has some buttheads, they can be blocked so you aren't distracted or annoyed. Otherwise, questions usually quickly garner dozens of replies from which to choose. I attribute that to an exponentially greater number of forum participants. IMHO, growing the TMA is what needs to be done if it is to survive, and I hope it does.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: rollingb on June 14, 2024, 01:57:53 PM
Guys, I'm not on Facebook or any of the social media nanny sites, and I could care less about them. I am on the TMA and also am a contributing member on The Muzzleloading Forum, that's it for me. I can't see that even if a decision to go on Facebook, made years ago, hurt the TMA why there can't be recovery. My concern is that the TMA doesn't seem to come up with any ideas to grow it. Often questions asked here either take a long time to get answered or they are completely ignored. I have to say that while that other forum has some buttheads, they can be blocked so you aren't distracted or annoyed. Otherwise, questions usually quickly garner dozens of replies from which to choose. I attribute that to an exponentially greater number of forum participants. IMHO, growing the TMA is what needs to be done if it is to survive, and I hope it does.
Don, I agree with everything you've said. The TMA BOD has spent countless hours over the years discussing ways on how to "grow the TMA," and we're ALWAYS open to any ideas our members might have to accomplish that exact goal. So, if you have some ideas, PLEASE share them with us. (TIA)  :bl th up  :shake
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: RedOneFive on June 14, 2024, 02:17:36 PM
I think the amount of paid ads that the other muzzleloader forum has is what contributes to them popping up way higher in the algorithm than the TMA.. Then sales boards are  probably 1/2 to 2/3 of the activity over there..

I don't think the tma facebook page is hurting the membership here other than when you go the page it hasn't been updated since April 2021.. I was unsure if it even existed yet until I stumbled into the forums through the webpage.
I think that the Muzzleloader forums, longrifle forums and TMA forums closely mirror each other and people will flock to the larger audience for posting questions or sales as well..

The TMA needs a niche to grow. Scouting, state recreational area, 4H shooting programs, someplace has to be where you can get a foot in the door and get people excited again and get some membership..
Nmlra has their long and widespread heritage to go on, the CLA has their big shows that draw in participation..
I'm not sure of the right answer, but I see our little rendezvous /muzzy club dieing off and I cant for the life of me get folks excited about it.
My family is the youngest there and we have the only kids now, so we're joining another club to our south that has some younger blood with kids and more regular shoots in hopes that it keeps afloat.
Just my outsider thoughts...
I also plan on being a contributing member to TMA and hand out information in Marty's absence. We are just currently on a fairly tight budget, and I don't know if my job will exist week to week so I've been putting that off.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 14, 2024, 02:40:48 PM

Don, I agree with everything you've said. The TMA BOD has spent countless hours over the years discussing ways on how to "grow the TMA," and we're ALWAYS open to any ideas our members might have to accomplish that exact goal. So, if you have some ideas, PLEASE share them with us. (TIA)  :bl th up  :shake

Well I have. See my previous posts regarding my shooters showcase idea plus my Revolutionary Challenge. I started the challenge well over a year ago, but it seems to have sparked interest in only 5 or 6 guys besides me. One thing I'll point out, reluctantly b/c it will get denied and won't win friends for me but it needs aired, is that the TMA might give caplock shooters and their guns the same due as flinters. I bet that vibe is keeping some away. Let's hear the thoughts of all the guys who are paying to be in the TMA. If each of them adds one new idea that would be very helpful.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: BEAVERMAN on June 14, 2024, 04:19:48 PM
The Fakebook page was locked back then as an awakening of the BOD of the drop in posts here and it was a detractor to the forum, Riley locked it and it remains as a read only trying to direct traffic here, as far as ad revenue; it was decided early on 2006 to be exact that it was annoying like the ML forum and not needed as we are a 501 association (not for profit).
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: No Powder on June 14, 2024, 04:41:12 PM
Well here goes nothing. I joined the TMA about 19 yrs. ago. I'd like to think I've made a few friends. Never met them and never will. They're still my friends. I think the future is in the hands of the membership. Contribute when and where you can. The only place I contribute is in the postal shoots. My membership is about to expire. I've got 12 days yet. If It wasn't for the TMA, I wouldn't be on this stupid tablet making a post. But that's the only way I can communicate with anybody.  I can't tell you how many times I've made a post with no responses. When that happens, you feel like you're not wanted, and you aren't a part of this org. I try to correspond with others so they feel they are a necessary part of this org. It doesn't matter if you build, restore, shoot, or just admire. TMA needs everyone that enjoys this pass time. So I'm begging all members, to help me make my decision as to whether to renew or let my membership expire. If I should let it expire, I will miss each of you guys dearly. Thanks for the past 19 yrs. and I truly hope I will spend a few more years with you.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: KDubs on June 14, 2024, 05:54:48 PM
I have nothing to add just that I like it here, it feels more personal.
 Hopefully TMA stays around, I just bought a t shirt.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: BEAVERMAN on June 14, 2024, 06:27:14 PM
Tom, your always welcome here!
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Bigsmoke on June 14, 2024, 07:28:12 PM
Well I am here until they pry my cold dead fingers from around my PERCUSSION rifle.

My two flinters are precious to me and  would never part with them but I have never shot one of them and the other was a gift from my sweetie.  Both keepers.  But not users.

Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: No Powder on June 14, 2024, 08:39:56 PM
Appreciate it Jim.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 15, 2024, 04:48:08 PM
rollingb recently asked for suggestions as to how to help the TMA. I did a little number crunching and was surprised with what it revealed. There are several TMA guys on the MLF too, so I compared the number of likes to posts for myself and four others. I figured a high like to post count might correlate with interesting topics. Here's what I found. For myself on the TMA I have 177 likes out of 329 posts, <1:2, on the MLF I have 803 likes to 380 posts, >2:1. The results for four other guys (TMA then MLF) are:   1 to 3 and 1.5to 1.  1 to 2.5 and 3 to 1.   1 to 20 and 1 to 1.    statistically 0 and 3 to 1. What this could mean is that the topics on the TMA might need examined and perhaps offering more to talk about might yield more people talking and more TMA users. Does anyone else have ideas?
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: rollingb on June 15, 2024, 10:03:39 PM
I think we currently have around 20-25 active posters on our site, how many are on the MLF site?
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 15, 2024, 10:38:07 PM
Sorry, but I have no idea.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: BEAVERMAN on June 15, 2024, 11:48:06 PM
The other thing to consider on the MLF site is how many of those posts you mention are in the political posting sections and not ML oriented?
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: The Miner '49er on June 16, 2024, 12:31:24 AM
Sorry, I don't know because I'm not a honcho on either forum and I just worked with what I found by easy poking around. I pointed out the likes to posts differences between the forums merely to suggest that some new topics might attract new people and get some chatter going. Why not come up with some and try it for a while and then either keep some of the new topics or can them? What is there to lose by trying? I'm passing the suggestion torch to everyone else now. I hope the TMA gets flooded with new ideas.
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: BEAVERMAN on June 16, 2024, 01:05:12 AM
Sorry, I don't know because I'm not a honcho on either forum and I just worked with what I found by easy poking around. I pointed out the likes to posts differences between the forums merely to suggest that some new topics might attract new people and get some chatter going. Why not come up with some and try it for a while and then either keep some of the new topics or can them? What is there to lose by trying? I'm passing the suggestion torch to everyone else now. I hope the TMA gets flooded with new ideas.

You and me both! :yessir:
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Winter Hawk on June 17, 2024, 06:46:24 PM
I'm not on Facebook or any other "social media', never saw the sense nor need for that.  For quite some time I was active on GBO, but the M/L content there died away except for the plastic wonders.  Hanshi steered me to TradRag and I hung out there until they went to Facebook after which that site was shut down when only 3 or 4 people were active on it.  He also suggested TMA, and I have been here 10 years or so.

Flintlocks vs caplocks?  I have them both, even have one of those cap making kits which came in handy when or government's response to Covid knocked everything for a loop.  Mostly I just have fun teasing John.  My first M/L rifle was an underhammer and that was followed by a CVA caplock, but then I got a T-C flintlock and it's been downhill ever since....

One program the TMA had was the rifle donation and that was the main reason I became a contributing member.  It was a good cause to put money toward.  I am not enthused about giving that money away in a monthly drawing although it seems a lot of folks here think it's a great idea.

No Powder, I read your posts!  However, my M/L experience level falls far short of yours so I often don't respond.  I will try to do better as I would hate to see you fade away here, so please keep on keeping on.

Well, it seems like I am in rambling mode so I had better stop except to say that we have lost some great folks.  I send Riley a PM every year asking how he is doing, and he answers but life has got in the way for him.  Fletcher has never responded when I PM or email him.  I will be around for as long as you folks will allow me to, and maybe even if you don't!   :o

Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Bigsmoke on June 18, 2024, 10:56:21 AM

Flintlocks vs caplocks?  I have them both, even have one of those cap making kits which came in handy when our government's response to Covid knocked everything for a loop.  Mostly I just have fun teasing John. 

WHAT?  You were just teasing?  And all this time I thought you were serious.  Well, shucky darn, y'all sure fooled me.  I was almost to the point of feeling guilty for converting our PA Hunter to a reliable ignition system.
But don't stop, I do get a kick out of it.
And here is another example of a reason why a person should be a member of this group.  The comradery that develops between individuals that have never met.  I have never looked Kees in the eye nor shook his hand, but I consider him to be a better friend than many people whom I have met face to face.  And that is far more important to me than the price of admission here ever could be.

John (Bigsmoke)
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: KDubs on June 18, 2024, 01:37:20 PM
Yes sir amen to that John
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Winter Hawk on June 18, 2024, 07:53:38 PM
And here is another example of a reason why a person should be a member of this group.  The comradery that develops between individuals that have never met.  I have never looked Kees in the eye nor shook his hand, but I consider him to be a better friend than many people whom I have met face to face.  And that is far more important to me than the price of admission here ever could be.

Now you have me blushing!   :laffing  Thank you for the vote of confidence.  I don't know of many other folks who would be that rash!

Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Bigsmoke on June 18, 2024, 11:11:36 PM
But sir, how can you say that?  I do not have Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria.  Nor do I have Plaque Psoriasis.  And it is not nearly hot enough here to have a heat rash.
How then can I be rash if I don't have a rash?
And that is something for you to ponder,
as you wander,
 :lol sign
Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Nessmuk on June 20, 2024, 05:09:18 PM
All my best friends are on this forum. Yeah, even the marines. 

Title: Re: Does anyone have anything to contribute?
Post by: Hank in WV on June 20, 2024, 06:04:37 PM
Ooh Rah!  :bigsmile: