Traditional Muzzleloading Association
TMA Events and Activites => TMA Postal Shoots => Topic started by: Smokey on June 21, 2024, 07:10:20 AM
I may try the June 2024 postal match. How do I score the target?
(I saw Ohio Joe's old thread on how to score but the attachment to the info doesn't work anymore).
An update on scoring would be appreciated. Thanks.
Hello Smokey. Glad you're interested in trying the postal shoots. I see what you mean about the attachment not working anymore. I was going to wait for Nessmuk to answer your scoring concerns. But he may be in an area where there's no internet service. So forgive me Mark. If your question is regarding whether a shot is worth the next higher point value, as long as it breaks the scoring ring, it will be worth the next higher point value. Some organizations require that half of the ball is in the next higher point . But the TMA only requires the line to be broken. Sometimes it's hard to tell, and that is where the target overlay comes in handy. As far as the rondy targets are concerned, the scoring instructions are normally written on the target.
Thanks NoPowder.
I'll rephrase the question.
How do I add up my score generally? How does the scoring work?
Put another way. I've got a target. There are 5 holes in it.
How do I add them up to obtain my score? What's the formula?
OK, here goes, it's pretty simple.
Let's say you have a 10 ring target target with an "X" ring on it.
And let's say that there are 5 clean holes centered in the scoring rings.
There is 1 in the 7 ring and that scores a 7
There are 2 in the 8 ring and that scores 16
There is 1 in the 9 ring and that scores 9
There is 1 in the 10 ring and that scores 10
Total for that target is the sum of each one = 42
So, let's change that up a bit
One of the 8 ring hits has cleanly cut the line between the 8 and 9 ring, so you would have 1 eight and 2 nines, increasing your score by 1 or now it is 43.
Now lets say that 10 ring shot hit in the x ring. You would still have 43, but now you would count the x so now it would be
If another of your shots had been in the x ring also, the score would be 44-2X. If the 9 shot would have been an X hit, you would have 44-2X, regardless if it was a clean x shot or just cut the line.
Hope that helps,
John (Bigsmoke)
Thanks John. I was afraid my explanation wasn't to be what Smokey was looking for. I just thought if the man wanted to shoot June's target, and 9 days left, we better get him some info.
Thanks to both of you. That does help and NoPowder answered a question that was sure to come up.
All I have to do now is hit the target.
Should I email the result to the score@tradmla address?
We use to send them to that e-mail, or Marks other e-mail. But now we post a picture of our targets on this thread. Were you able to print off a rondy target too, (or also known as the fun target) ?
We use to send them to that e-mail, or Marks other e-mail. But now we post a picture of our targets on this thread. Were you able to print off a rondy target too, (or also known as the fun target) ?
I have not printed a rondy target. I'll stick with the bullseye style for now.
Got ya. Just post a picture of your target on the 2024 postal shoot and 2024 fun shoot thread .
Finally got out between storms here.
How are misses counted, if at all? Say for example, there four holes on the target. Then some flintknuckle has himself a nasty hangfire and misses the target completely. Do misses count for anything? Can we take another shot?
Ya gotta love those hangfires. I will say this, if you've never experienced a hangfire while target shooting, you've never done too much target shooting. I won't answer your question ( Mark can answer it), but I'll refer you to my August Sgt. York 2023 target to see what a hangfire did to me. The shot in the black, on the left side was a hanger. Happens to us all, and usually with disgusting results.
Ya gotta love those hangfires.
Hangfires, dry balling and flint cuts. All on the when-not-if list.
As for scoring, I don't see anything in the rules about how misses are counted.
Misses are not counted. That is a zero shot. And you should not take another shot.
I have found the best way to console oneself is to convert the firearm to percussion and proceed down the rocky trail of life without the burden of hangfires and misfires.
John (Bigsmoke)
There's an old saying that goes like this. There are two kinds of people who shoot muzzleloaders. There are those who have loaded their muzzleloader without powder, and those that will. I hate to let you hanging Smokey, so here's what I'll say about your question. I'm pretty sure your shot that missed the paper, scored a 0. And I've never been offered any do overs . So in my honest opinion, I think you'll be adding the point value of your 4 hits as your score.
Thank you John for your assistance. I was hoping Mark would chime in and help.
That answers it. Thanks, gentlemen.
I'll just mark that as a practice target and try again in July.
I don't know what your schedule is like but, there's several day's left in this month. Maybe you can go out and shoot another target this month and send a picture in. Please remember, we're trying to encourage, not discourage people to participate and have some fun. Life's too short to not make some smoke and enjoy making it. We're hoping Kees can find time to shoot with us this month too.
I don't know what your schedule is like but, there's several day's left in this month. Maybe you can go out and shoot another target this month and send a picture in. Please remember, we're trying to encourage, not discourage people to participate and have some fun. Life's too short to not make some smoke and enjoy making it. We're hoping Kees can find time to shoot with us this month too.
That's refreshing and encouraging. Thanks for that. Time permitting, I'll try to get out there again this week.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks, guys. :bigsmile:
In a nutshell, you shoot until you get 5 holes on paper.
Your right about cel service in the Adirondack mountains. LTE no 5G up here.
In a nutshell, you shoot until you get 5 holes on paper.
Now you are confusing the issue! At least, you are confusing ME! :Doh! Do you mean that, since Smokey has four holes in the target for five shots, he can shoot again until he has five holes on paper? Or is it like Bigsmoke put it, that fifth shot (which missed the paper) counts zero and no more shots are to be taken?
Ain't it fun to be running the postal shoot? :bigsmile:
An easy way to do it. Hang your target. Lay out 5 balls, 5 patches, and 5 caps if you're shooting a caplock. Shoot those five and no more than that. Pull your target and score it. Take a clear, large, pic of it and post it.
Am I confused?
I looked back at the targets over past couple of years and no one has posted a target with less than 5 holes.
At my gun club, we shoot until you have 5 on paper but we score only half a ball or bigger counts for score.
Let's face it, we've all had hangfires that went harmlessly into the berm.
If you need more than one extra shot, you're not going to score in the top ten anyway.
Do we want to give a "Mulligan" or not?
Well, I AM the NMD until deposed, so my rule is:
On the Bullseye, 5 shots only!
On the Rondy/Fun shoot, 5 Shots on Paper!
Thanks Mark, that makes it clear to even a hard headed Dutchman like me! :yessir:
Mulligan? Isn't that some type of stew? :o
Thanks from another Hard Headed Dutchman!
I'll play by whatever rules we come up with.
The way I shoot my shots is
1- cold bore 100;yarder
5 at the rondy and 5 at the TMA target .
That's it , hit or miss, 11 shots total .
The current rule states you can shoot as many targets as you want and submit the best one.
I don't like that but that's just me.
Have a question for those who are much more intelligent than I. When we use to send our targets to the NMD, if there was an error, being he had the target in his hand, he could easily correct it. Sending a picture of our targets, eliminated that possibility. If we have a shot that is questionable, could you lay that overlay on the target and take a picture of the target , therefore eliminating any question as to whether the line was broken?
Actually, I can! I zoom in to 100% then print the targets and use an actual overlay. Only had to do it a couple times and it only costs one sheet of paper.
Thank you Mark. I didn't think you could do anything with the targets, that you could use any type of measuring device.