I never owned one, but I have always been truly amazed at these things.
My friend over in Olympia WA owns one made by Pacific Rifle Works I think, and he had his made up with a fast twist for Elk Hunting.
I don't recall the twist, but it is in .58 caliber...he had Dan at Mountain Moulds make up a couple of moulds for the gun, and it is a real shooter, even with one of his bullets weighing more than the other he doesn't need any sight adjustment except for range, and I find that truly remarkable!!
I've told this before, but yat-ta-hay..I remember the days back when I was in the Army and overseas. On occasion we would get magazines from the USO.
One such magazine was dedicated to the Hopkins & Allen Under-hammer. I made the statement that I thought it was neat and would like to own one....I must have carried that magazine with me for a month or more.
The guys all laughed at me saying, "that was certainly the ugliest rifle on earth" and quickly tag'd me with the name "Ol' Hammer-Down Under"!
Yup, me and that under-hammer go back a long ways, and I still don't own one.
Although I have been thinking about visiting Lynn, over in Idaho, and "borrowing" his for awhile....like that's going to happen.
Uncle Russ...