Storm, Thank you for the good advice. I have decided to go ahead and order some black powder online. Has anyone used the powder from Graf and Sons?
We do have a member here (ShadowHawk) that has recently bought some powder from Graf & Sons, but I can't recall if his last order was for Goex or their "Store Brand". Maybe he will see this post and chime in.
I have read, and heard others say, that Goex may be a little better, but even that would be splitting some pretty fine hairs, according to what I hear....I have no personal experience with their store brand, but I have shot-up several hundred pounds of Goex since they moved to La and I can assure you that Goex is good.
I have 2# of Swiss FFFg sitting over in Olympia, if I can ever get over the mountain to get it. But.....I was saying that same thing about this time last year and I
still haven't picked it up.
Actually, I have been 'bitting-at-the-bit' to shoot some Swiss Powder, but from what I just told you, you'd never believe it.
All the fella's posting have given you some good advice about using real black powder instead of the substitutes.
The fact of the matter is, you can spend a ton of money playing around with all the faux powders and never get much farther than 2nd., or maybe 3rd. base.
To know what your Muzzleloader will really do, you simply gotta have real black powder, and short of ordering it, it is getting more scarce than Hen's Teeth to find.
Uncle Russ...