Finally got out to the range for a true test with my 100 dollar Interarms .54 Hawken. At 50 yards resting my elbows, 90 grains of Pyrodex under a 320 gr REAL bullet I cast and a lubed felt base pad. Group high but centerd and could be covered with an open hand. Decided I needed to take a good rest to reduce this humans error. Pulled the rear tang peep (from old TC New Englander I once had) down a full turn on the adjustment and tightend the set screw. First shot cut the bull 3/4 inch above center from a bag rest. Second shot cut the first hole to 1 inch wide. Third shot went between the first two. I decided I found my hunting load in the first six shots. Took the girl home and gave her a good cleaning. Best auction buy ever. Now if i can stand to wait for deer season we will see how she does on our big Iowa Whitetails.