I've been thanking the Man Upstairs for years on end now, all for providing the means for me to get those Cortisone Shots.
No telling how many I've had over the past 15 or so years, but it's been more than just a couple.
(Since they can only give you three shots every 90 days IIRC, it probably wouldn't add up to all that many I suspect, but I do know I have appreciated every one I ever got....that appreciation kicked in about 20 minutes later.)
Got 'em in my Spine at L4-L5 for years, two at a time trying to build that cartilage disk up, got 'em in my shoulders, elbows, knees, and even in my wrists several times.....when ya can't close your hand or make a fist, cause the old fingers won't bend, then it's time to make another clinic visit.
I wouldn't even try pulling a trigger when that happens.
The actual Cortisone shots themselves are a real nothing burger, but that "spot-freeze", seconds before the shot, now that is a real bear...there's times it makes yer eyes water, and if don't jump clean outta yer chair, ya get a star by your name for that day...I ain't got no stars yet, but I did get 2 atty-boys for NOT crushing that stainless steel table I was holding on to....
I suspect if we were all real tough old Mountain Men we wouldn't really need those silly old Cortisone Shots, we'd just grit our teeth and tough it out.
That one modern life example alone sure does give one a whole new respect for those old boys running the Mountains, wadding in Icy Creeks, traipsing in snow up to their waist, sleeping on the cold frozen ground, and no Medicine Man, Fort, or Frontier Doctor in the world had any access to Cortisone, or even had a clue what it might be.....
Little wonder those fellers were so dadburn mean, kicking Bears, ridding buffaloes, and drinking Liquor....they were afraid that if they ever really did get down, all those "Ittis Brothers" would kick in and never let 'em back up again.