Well, I was planning on going up to Idaho in June for the Coeur d'Alene Rendezvous and a week later going to the Moscow rendezvous. On the way back, I was considering stopping at the Tall Trees event around Eureka, CA. Not a rendezvous but the last weekend of June, I wanted to attend the Lacy, WA Dixieland Jazz Festival as well. Speaking of Jazz Festivals, every one on the west coast since Monterey in March has been cancelled so far. In California, to the best of my knowledge the "rendezvous" near me in Attascadero and San Luis Obispo have cancelled, as well as the one at Rail Road Flat. Heck, might as well sequester at home as there is nothing to do away from home. About all I can say I have gotten done is I grew a beard. But it is so white, I don't know if I am going to keep it or not.