In my humble opinion, you just can't beat small town living...
This morning (around 6:30 AM) I ran to the Post Office to throw a few "bills" in the mail, and on my way back home I noticed the front left of my pick up was starting to sag down a bit, like I was getting a flat tire,,, so I whipped into the gas station that opens a 6:00 AM, and does tire repair (I've known these folks for a lot of years) and they jumped right on fixing the problem in no time... Apparently I must have hit a bump and caused a leaky bead seal... They got me fixed up in no time!
You just can't beat small town living! Everybody knows everybody, and since I've lived here for over the last 33 years - not much has changed at all with our small community. Folks still stop and visit one another when we're headed somewhere, and we always wave at our neighbors and folks we know, and don't know... It's not uncommon to stop in the middle of the road and start visiting - then if there's traffic coming we make way by going on our way - or we pull off to the side and finish our visiting - (which in my case is a lot of BS'n and laughing as we exchange stories).
There just ain't any better place to live IMHO! We may not have everything the big towns have, but I don't think we would change a thing of what we do have. I know I wouldn't!!! And in our own way, we watch out for one another.
Small town living may not be for everyone, but it sure suits me just fine!!!