Captchee, thanks for the info,I actually was aware of the pressure valve effect of the main spring in cap locks,and before doing any work I usually,not always,sadly,do my homework but mostly with firearms I do,(i once put Coleman fuel in my Sportster)and I usually wait to hear from those with more experience,among them ,you,thanks,I had my suspicions about the sear plunger spring so I ordered one each mainspring and sear plunger spring for experimental use,however,I had a conversation with LRB at American longrifles and he confirmed to me try lightening the sear plunger spring .the lock is a flintlock GPR by the way of information.
Dude,that is some great info there but I'll have to read it a few times thru to get it clear in my head,the good thing my skull is thick and once it's in nothing gets out,thank you for imparting that.
Be aware I do know too light,I learned that from a Mauser.