Several clubs near Kingston, NY hold BP shoots. Here is the 2020 schedule:
High Woods Sportsmen's Club, Woodstock
highwoodssc.comSundays March 22, Apr 19, Sept 27, Oct 18, Dec 1 (also their Joys For Tots drive, free shoot with new toy worth $10 or more)
16 target woods walk, open sights/lead only (no jacketed bullets)
$10 fee, registration starts 8:30, kitchen open for breakfast & lunch
blanket shoot (bring something worth around $10 to participate)
Wittenberg Sportsmen's Club, Woodstock
Wittenbergsportsmen'sclub.comSundays May 24, June 14, Oct 11
Woods walk
$10 fee, registration starts 9:00, lunch available for extra $$
Blanket shoot (bring something worth around $10 to participate)
Saugerties Fish & Game, Saugerties
sfgc.usSundays May 3, Aug 16
Sign-up opens (Do not know fees or format)
More info and contacts can be found at each website. I might be able to help with questions.
I have been to Wittenberg and am a member of High Woods. Both are secluded and enjoyable. I've met many guys from all 3 clubs. We are an informal bunch who like to get together and burn powder. Come on out if you can!