This may be the longest post I ever made, Taken from a cook book for preserving foods;
Meat, Poultry and Game are low acid foods. They must be processed in a pressure canner to assure their safety. Use the processing time and pressure that is specified for each type of meat, poultry or game;
*can only good quality meat, poultry or game
*chill home produced meat soon after slaughter (40degree or lower) to prevent spoilage
*Keep all meat clean and sanitary. Rinse poultry thoroughly in cold water and then drain.
*If meat must be held longer than a few days, freeze it. Store frozen meat at a temperature of 0 degree or lower until canning time.
*Trim meat of gristle, bruised spots and fat before canning. Fat left on meat will melt and climb the sides of the jar during processing. If the fat comes in contact with the sealing edge of the lid, the jar may not seal.
To make broth; Place bony pieces in a saucepan and cover with cold water until meat is tender. Discard any fat. Add boiling broth to containers packed with meat or poulrty.
Caution! Altitude Adjustments
Processing time and pressures given for canning meat, poultry or game are for altitudes 0-1000 feet. If you are canning at a higher Altitude Follow the Altitude Adjustments given for canning vegetables.
Ina dual Gauge pressure canner
*At altitudes 1001-2000 the pressure is not increased; process at 11 pounds pressure
*2001-4000 feet, process at 12 pounds pressure
*4001-6000 feet process at 13 pounds pressure
*600 -8000 feet process at 14 pounds pressure.
Choose high quality, chilled meat. Remove excess fat. strong flavored wild meats should be soaked for 1 hour in a brine made from 1 tablespoon salt per quart of water. Rinse meat. Cut into 1" wide strips, cubes or chunks.
Hot pack, precook meat to the rare stage, by roasting, stewing or browning in a small amount of fat. pack hot meat into hot jars, leaving 1-inch of head space. add 1/2 teaspoon of salt per pint, 1 teaspoon to quarts, if desired. fill jar to 1" from the top with boiling meat juices, broth, water or tomato juice (especially for wild game). remove air bubbles. wipe jar rims. adjust lids and process.
Raw Pack, add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to each pint jar1 teaspoon to quarts, if desired. pack raw meat into hot jars, leaving 1 inch of head room. do not add liquids. wipe jar rims. adjust lids and process.
Process in a dual gauge pressure canner at 11 pounds pressure or a weighted gauge pressure canner at 10 pounds pressure.
Pints........75 minutes
Quarts.....90 minutes
WOW, that was a lot of typing for a dummy like me, hope this helps.