First, let me thank you guys for taking the time to "converse" with me!
To be honest, I am more of a firearms buff, and only now am I delving into the different "periods."
I am fascinated by the F&I war era, but the western expansion through and over the Appalachia is fascinating too! I lean more towards the latter as exploration is far more interesting to me. (I guess I am tired of warfare, historic or otherwise.)
Having said that, I am slowly but surely acquiring parts and tools for a broad range of traditional firearms. I have my Chambers NE Fowler which will be fitted for a bayonet, something that a frontier militia man might have owned in the 1760s. Then I would like a Virginia rifle as a representative firearm of the American Revolution. Moving forward in time I have a real like and appreciation for the Tennessee style rifle. I could see myself making several in different calibers. To round out the time frame, I have to have a Lewis and Clark 1792/1803 rifle!
But one thing at a time! I tend to get too far ahead of myself, and I need to get outta here before I can travel “there”!
In thinking about this now, and talking with you alll, I think I will study the 1770s through 1790s and see where that leads.
Thanks again fellows, I really appreciate you time!
Best regards,
Albert “The Afghan” RaschReal Men Hunt?O??? ????!