I have had to put together several first aid kits both for myself, and a few for reenactment units. I call them "treatment kits" as I have found that small, commercially available, first aid kits come two ways..., those for cuts and burns, and military ones that are for plugging holes in folks. When I write "small" I mean in a container that is about 3" x 6" x 3" or so. Even medium sized kits of about 6" x 8" x 4" seem to be just larger versions of the smaller ones for cuts and burns. It's not until you get to the really large kits, the kind that alone would fill a haversack, that you find supplies for bee stings, bug bites, and blisters. In fact I just checked the one at my office, and it's just a big kit for all sorts of cuts.
Coupled with that is the fact the kits rarely have room for anything but what they have stocked from the manufacturer. So if you wanted to add a couple of small packets of burn cream, anti-biotic cream, or topical antiseptic, and some moleskin, you can't. Not to mention OTC meds.
Has anybody else found this problem?
So what I end up assembling, is a kit that can be used to treat cuts and burns, but also stings, bug bites, blisters, plus OTC meds such as aspirin, ibuprofen, antihistamine, and pepto bismal tablets. I mean I don't want to drive several hours, burn vacation time, just to turn around when I get there for symptoms of some "bug" or the green-apple-quickstep hit. Not to mention getting stung.
(OK so maybe I have bad Karma)
So the point of this thread..., have you needed to prepare a better all-around-kit as I have for trekking and living history, and do you as I do, wish you could buy a more well rounded kit that is better at supplying the needs of more than just cuts, scrapes, and burns? Perhaps, because of expiration dates, a kit not stocked with OTC meds, but how about extra room so the buyer can add what they feel is needed??
OR..., am I just looking in the wrong places, and can you suggest some kit provider that has a well rounded one with extra room?