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Author Topic: jug ckoking  (Read 1655 times)

Offline lonehunter

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2013, 07:10:43 PM »
I have a .62 GM barrel I bought from a friend that was jugged by Mr. Tennyson.
I fired shot through it for the first time this morning, Quite impressive patterns at 25 yrds.

Offline Riley/MN

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2013, 08:16:04 PM »
How'd you load 'er?

TMA Charter Member #20

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2013, 08:36:07 PM »
Quote from: "Riley/MN"
How'd you load 'er?
70gr 3F
overpowder wad
ox-yoke wonder wad
#6 shot, measured with a 20ga shot cup from a modern shell
overshot card
I would put it up against my Mossberg turkey gun at 25 yrds, Thinking about taking it to the next local turkey shoot, That should turn some heads. :laffing

Offline pathfinder

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #18 on: March 03, 2013, 09:56:34 PM »
I'd need to see some before and after target pic's with round ball before I'd trust it. I have NO direct experiance with jug choking,other than some rather wierd thing's Bill Large did to my .40 smoothbore,and I've HEARD different thing's from both sides,so I would need some imperical evidence.

To my way of thinking,I would think it would have very little if any effect on where the ball end's up on the target. As long as you didn't loose the patch in the jug part of the choke. But it's moving so fast,i doubt if you would. Musing's of a tired Polish fella. :hairy
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Offline Captchee

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #19 on: March 04, 2013, 05:07:29 AM »
I  think it depends on how deep the jug actually is Pathfinder  and if one loads with a patch or loads with a wad . I have had a couple that when  I inspected the patch , it showed signs that the ball had slipped the patch . Now where that happened  in the bore ???
 Would it really mater considering where the jug choke is , I cant say . Did they still shoot RB fine , ya they did .  Was it worse then a barrel that wasn’t jugged , no IMO not .
 I think all to often we strive to get the best of two worlds  while living in one .
 i would also point out  that having a choked  bore , does not mean you will suddenly achive better results then a cylinder bore . its more complicated then that.

 now the rest of this post is probably more then what  the auther of this thread wants or exspected .  however here it is anyway for those who maybe interested .
 Myself I have never been big on chokes for smooth bores . I just don’t see the need . Especially on a gun that’s intended to be duel purpose . But in which case if a person wanted a choke on a smooth bore  and wanted to shoot RB from the same bore , IMO jug choking would be the way to go .
 As far as a choke goes though .  I don’t believe that jug choking compares anywhere near  restrictive choking . Does it work , yes it does .

 However  if we look at the  public  “FIELD “ events  of the 1840’s - 1890’s  prior to  early smokeless breechloaders entering the events ,  we don’t see any jug choked bores listed  they are all restrictive bores  . At least not that I have read . In fact  even the restrictive choking doesn’t really show up untell rather late  when  greener entered the events with his treble-wedge -fast breeched design, which was a combination of restrictive choke and breechloading design  .
 Prior to that  though , the scores  show that muzzleloaders with cylinder  bores ,were still beating the pants off of breech loaders in both pattern and penetration  well into the 1870 events  . It wasn’t tell the 1874 event where Greener entered with his triple wedge  breechloaders  that things  began to even out . later when that design was combined with  Schultz  wood powder , thats when things really changed , leaving the cylinder bore in the dust .
   I would also point out that the ranges for those events for both pattern and penetration  were listed as 40, 50 and 60 yards .

 So where does Jug choking fit into all this ???? Good question , that’s something I don’t know . But it would appear that  either it was so common on fowling piece , that it wasn’t mentioned , it simple wasn’t used or it  was used and  writen down simply as choked . in which case  it still was found lacking  in the trials .
 but then i could have missed its mention in my reading. which could be a big possability  as surly it could have been mentioned somewhere . but i dont find it mentioned by eather greener, Hawker  or Walsh  in their recourdings of the events

 I think  that  the real  facts of the mater is that  between  the later half of the 19th century and the mid 20th century with the resurgence of Muzzleloading popularity , we lost a vast amount of information . Luckily we do still have some  documentation in the form  of records and writings . But these are so sparse that it leaves a lot of questions . It also requires us to  accept whats writen as factual based on the reputations of the person writing down the information .

Take Walsh’s writing where he states in 1874
the target in this case was an ordinary field pad of tough brown paper , thirty six sheet, the Greener in every instance near put pellets through the whole thirty six; the best performance of my gun “Manton “ was twenty- five. Reverting to pattern, I think the Greener gun , at 40 yards, it would have been almost impossible for a snipe to escape .
I omitted to say that we were using No.6 shot, the charge being 3drs and 1 1/ oz shot

  At the same time Greener is recording  patterns and penetration at 60 yards  from what was then modern loads , in the 188 range . While at the same time muzzleloaders were producing  scores in the 70’s . that’s  un believable event by today’s standards  of smokeless powder . Especially when we consider that the loads  being recorded were  No. 6 shot ”290 pellets per oz “ later records show the  amount of shot was raised , so the records are skewed a little if we compare them to prior events . It also should be noted that  a lot of times the smaller bores out scored larger bores . So its not uncommon to read of 16 and 20 gage bores scoring much higher the 10 or 12 bore guns .But we have to remember  that this is mostly do to  the rules of the events . only after those rules are  changed to allow those larger bores to use proper loads  do we see  them start to preform  much better

  Its also rather  fun to read that Rigby himself  did not accept Greeners   evaluations  of the choked bore over the cylinder bore , thinking , in so many words ,that Greener had  somehow found a way to cheat  ..
 Anyway , I could go on and on about this but I think  I have made my point  .
Somewhere we have lost something and are possibly tainting our opinions on the cylinder bore

 For those  interested  in this subject ,  one of the easiest  writings to find is  
Greeners ; The Gun and its Development .
 In it you will find a whole set of chapters dedicated to these field trials   comparing muzzleloader to breechloader and cylinder bore to choked bore.
 But I warn you . Its  going to leave you with questions  and even more so if you dig into the writings of  Walsh , Hawker , Rigby….. And their   transitional opinions on choked vs. cylinder bore

 im not sure if this will work or not , but here is an" E link" to Greeners  book for those that dont have it .
 this link is to a pattern faximaly  found on page 357.
 for those who only quickly scan through  a couple pages  before and after  this link , the long target spread is the  recourded penitration test  board faxsimalies at 40 yards  
 but if you scroll up to page 326 thats where  you will start reading about the Field trials.
 past  those pages you will read also where Greener  mentions several times  about not being able to use a load thats  best suited for his choke OR the gage  of the gun .
 the link is also  for all of volume #1 . so the complete 800+ pages
anyway , i hope  this link is  interesting to some of you  and gets you thinking about  just what a cylinder bore is capable of  when using BP

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2013, 09:15:42 PM »
In reference to Captchee's above post, I would agree totally.

I might add one other little thing.
Books are out there that help clear up the understanding on chokes, pattern's, loads, and all the other things we discuss here on an almost daily basis.
Many of the really good books are out of print, and very hard to find, but if you are determined you will eventually turn up some of these prizes.....and they are to be considered prizes.
You may have to go back and 're-read' a lot of it over, and over again, at least I do.
But, eventually you will start catching on to many of the things we take as granted, many are time proven, and many others are just so much hog-wash, old wives tales, but they refuse to go away.

I have a rather large gun library, by some standards, probably not so big by other standards.
Some of the books I have, I have read through dozens of least "looked-up" things that have often been discussed by the Muzzleloading community.

Some of the answers given in the discussions I have witnessed would hold water, some not.
But that is not the purpose of a book.

A book, IMO, is to provide an individual with knowledge on which to build.....not the total basis of an argument, as the testing medium not only can change, but often does.

Here are some books I would never trade, or loan, I suspect they are my "Go To Books".
I threw "Gunsmith Kinks" I, II, III in the mix because they are nothing more than a short course on D & F, or design and function...or, saying it another way, what purpose a "part" may have in the overall function of any gun and how it works.
It's the many things we don't do that totally sets us apart.
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Offline Captchee

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2013, 04:58:40 AM »
Russ is dead on  about what must be kept in mind when reading .
 but alot of time even the things we know as myths or false hoods , we have to try  if for no other reason then to  see if it will make a difference in an individual case , where in general it has not effect .

Also the other thing I have often found to be true is that the most valuable information  “at least to me “  just gets mentioned in passing . So if your just reading  for general knowledge , often time  things get missed .
Take for instance  the link  I posted above .  What are we reading . Well differences between cylinder bore and choked bore as it pertained to  the FIELD trials right . There is patterns and load data , mixed in with  the evolution of the later choke.

 But how many of us notice on the first read  that  there is at least 2 mentions of one barrel , normally the first “concerning SXS”  shooting a better pattern then the 2nd barrel ?
 Or  how about missing the  comments about penetration that was being increased by the choke bore  
 The other thing that at least I missed many years ago when I first read  this chapter is that  while its about  Chokes vs. cylinder bore , there seems to also be a underlying  topic  about  the type of shot as well  .

 Anyway , what im getting at is as we read ,  its often beneficial to have in the back of your mind  topics which interest you . That way as your reading along , suddenly you  go; ???? Now wait a second , what was that again ?
  All to often hidden in the page after page of words are little  keys  to  deeper information .  They are very easy to miss and simple to over look  very quickly

Offline Riley/MN

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2014, 09:20:16 AM »
Quote from: "Eric Krewson"
All the information I have put together from people who shot round balls out jug choked barrel is there is no difference. Danny Caywood jug choked the barrel of my current build, talking to him on the phone he said people who's barrels he worked on had good accuracy with round balls.

I will know in a few more weeks as my English Fowler is almost done.

Starting to think of spring... HA

Eric, did you ever get to shoot roundballs out of that jug choked smoothbore? How'd she do?

TMA Charter Member #20

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2014, 12:56:05 PM »
A proper jug choke will not cause ill effect on round ball accuracy.

This is the first 3 rounds out of a 10ga NE Fowler.

Here's one of shot at 50yds with the same barrel.

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2014, 01:00:39 PM »

TMA Charter Member #20

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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2014, 09:25:03 AM »
My experience with a jug choked barrel shooting a patched round ball;

I shot every load I could think of (patched, bare ball, different wads and powder) and got no better than a 12" group at 25 yards. I was really frustrated and held off on finishing my fowler because I thought it was a dog of a shooter.

I have a 12ga, Colerain 38" English fowler barrel on my gun, when I just started working up a turkey load Mr Wattlebuster from another site gave me his loading info as he had the exact same barrel with Caywood jug choke (full). The shot load he recommended worked very well, I forgot about the round ball load and tried my own combinations with the above mentioned lousy results.

I was out shooting my sorry loads one day, trying more patching, ball combos and thought of Wattlebusters load recommendations. I went to my computer and pulled up the old PM which recommended 100 gr of 1F, .690 ball wrapped in an .018 ticking patch.

I had never loaded that much powder but decided to give it a try, after all I was sure this load wasn't going to improve my groups as nothing  had worked in the past. WRONG! My first shot was centered and a couple inches low, next shot through the same hole, third shot made a cloverleaf of the two previous holes.

I kept shooting waiting for the inevitable flier 12" to the side, it never happened.

I was suddenly so happy with my gun that I took it to the woods and killed 5 point with it, then took it to the shop and spent the next week or so finishing it.

 What you see in the picture is walnut sealer on the stock, no actual finish. I finished reinletting some parts,  the wood had shrunk after I initially put everything together, sanded the barrel, trigger guard and buttplate and greyed them with Oxpho blue, did the final shaping on the rear sight and applied 5 coats of Chambers oil finish to the stock.

I shot the buck a little high and spined him with the first shot, I suspect he jumped the "string" as I had a slight hang fire. My next shot was exactly where I was aiming, through the neck at about 25yards.

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Re: jug ckoking
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2014, 06:04:54 PM »

TMA Charter Member #20

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