I was drawing one of Fletcher's 55# @ 28" on Thursday and my right shoulder knows I did something....maybe even did something wrong.
Since last September when I discovered I have torn rotary-cuffs in both shoulders.(From lifting the trolling motor batteries in and out of the boat last year.) I did Physical Therapy from Sept. up into December, when I dropped out.
My Physical Therapist and I were talking about Bows & Arrer's since she is some kind of Expert Bow Shooter in the Nimrod division of the Ladies Eastern State, or something like that..... I asked her what she thought about me trying it again and she said "great! That's the best exercise you can do for your your shoulder, if you can do it."
"Shoot the bow a dozen or so times a day for six days a week and I think you won't need to come back here" was her very words.
Well since my wife had an operation on her spine on 7Jan, and another one five weeks later, there has been little time for me to shoot that bow....I shot it a few times when the weather was real nice, but certainly not everyday like I was supposed to.
Anyway, since I haven't been doing it regularly, when I do get around it, 55# ain't so light anymore, and I really got to bear down to get a full draw and anchor point.....well, I think I might have done something bad on Thursday with drawing that bow, so I got a call in to my Orthopedic Doctor and he will see me on Tues.
Getting old ain't for sissies, and it darn sure ain't for someone who doesn't have good insurance!
Uncle Russ...