Over the weekend we did our little Winter thing at the club. Didn't win the walk thru but finished high enough to get a nice prize.
During the shoot noticed the hammer was down a few times, which is unusual since my habit after the shot is to pull back the hammer to full cock and remove the spent cap remnants, before re-charging. When cleaning after I got home, I discovered when in full cock, I could touch the back of the hammer and it would go down with very little pressure. That was a surprise. Not long ago, there was an issue where the hammer would not catch consistently at half cock, never was an issue, though. The the half cock position functions fine now.
So, I'm wondering why the lock is behaving like that. Should be addressed, since when hunting I usually leave the rifle capped at full cock and it could easily go off unintended! Didn't hunt with it this past Fall, darn good thing.
Rondo, any thoughts?