Personally, I tend to like the thought that the ball and patch will go down a "smidgen" past the muzzle, for those times I am cutting at the muzzle.
Cuttin-at-the-Muzzle was the only way to roll for many years, especially when I subscribed to the Dutchman's thinking on all things lube.
But then I somehow allowed others into my thinking processes, and since than I have been riding that Roller Coaster know as "your mileage is sure to vary", because lube does indeed have a variety of flavors, just as ball starting, and doing away, completely, with that Short Starter has an appeal unequaled by recent developments that I have read about anytime lately.
In my way of thinking.....a good, tight, properly lubed, patch & ball, requiring a smidgen of swaging upon entering the rifled bore, will, in all likelihood, give a better performance by any measure, than whatever is in second place, and this appears to be another very simple method for doing just that.