I regret to report that due to the problems we have experienced with Pay-Pal over the past year and one-half, insofar as providing the TMA with the new member's current mailing address, when they initially subscribe as members, the TMA will no longer be providing a Membership Packet.
Since Pay-Pal determined that a TMA Supporting Membership is, in fact, a "Subscription", (as the buyer is NOT ordering a specific physical item to be shipped somewhere,) "Internet Membership" is classified as an Internet Subscription, and they feel the privacy of the Pay-Pal Member must be protected at all cost.
As such, the practice of Pay-Pal providing that information was discontinued back about 16 or 18 months ago.
In the meantime, efforts on the part of the TMA to get this information from the New Supporting Member has failed miserably.
Considerable time and effort have been expended in an effort to get this information from the Member, but with very little success.
It should also be noted that when the TMA was first formed, back in early 2005, a cost analysis of each packet was based on a total cost, including the postage, which was less than $2.00
Since that time, the costs to provide that packet have increased exponentially, especially as ink, paper, envelopes, and postage increased, along with more items being added.
Current costs to produce that packet are currently just a few cents less than $5.00 per packet.
The TMA has, in essence, been unable to recover that cost in any way other than increasing Membership fees.
Two weeks ago the Board of Directors voted in favor of maintaining the TMA Dues at it's original $15.00 and discontinue the Membership Packet.
Thank you for your understanding.
Respectfully, Russ...