Traditionally, "*almost" every year, a
Christmas Gift Exchange occurs between the Members and Guests of the TMA.
(*We have missed a couple of years due to our somewhat limited time frame in getting it done properly, because of;
A) Establishing an early enough start date to get proper responses to the number interested in doing this.
B) Having a volunteer to run it, starting at the right time, and ending a few weeks before Christmas in order to allow for shipping so the gift will arrive in plenty of time before Christmas.)
The sole purpose of this post is to get a feel of who and how many, will be interested.
If you decide you would like to participate, the names of those participating will be posted in another "locked" list that I will post later.
**The cost of the gift should not exceed $25!
-The preferred gift is "something traditional" and made by the member / giver himself.
-A gift can also be anything traditional that is excess to your own needs.
-Buying a gift and having it sent to your designated receiver is okay too. Just stay Traditional!
-The actual "list" will start right here on this thread.
-The list is open to both Supporting Members, and our Registered Guests with more than 10 Posts to their name.
-This participation list will end on Friday, 15 November. I will then post the locked list of everyone participating.
-The actual drawing / Matching of names will take place on Sunday, 24 November from the locked list....This will give everyone plenty of time to decide if they are going to participate, what they are giving, and who they will end up sending it to.
-The actual mailing address will be given by each recipient by PM to the person drawing your name. (Please do not post it publicly on the open forum.)
I will volunteer to run this exchange if that is okay with everyone.
Names will be drawn by myself, from 2 "pots", marked sender and receiver, I will draw one name from the sender pot and one name from the receiver pot, and then vice versa....I will then post the results of who sends who a gift. If we should end up with an uneven number, I will take that odd name and send them a gift myself, so
everyone gets a gift for Christmas.
This is a great time to make new friends and share in the feeling of giving during the Christmas Season.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Respectfully, Uncle Russ....